Event Social Media

Event Social Media: Success in Real-Time

One common complaint you often hear leveled at “today’s generation” and “millennials” is that we spend more time on our phones than we do living real life. While I’m quick to dismiss this sort of finger-wagging, the observation at the centre of this complaint is rock-solid. However, I take a different approach to it. To me, someone posting at a concert is their way of spreading the excitement and joy of the moment. Social media adds to the experience of attending an event. It allows people to share the event, connect and extend the event experience beyond the front door. As such, social media marketing and event planning have started to become more and more synonymous: event social media.

Next time you’re at any kind of social gathering or event, take a look around. Chances are, a large majority of those present will be engaged in some form or fashion with their phones – taking pictures, tweeting, Snapchatting, and more. Why not join in at your next event?

If your business has an event coming up, you’d do well to take advantage of the opportunity and have a game plan for covering it on social media. Not sure how to do that? Don’t worry, that’s what I’m here for.

The Ins and Outs of Covering Event Social Media

One of the brilliant things about social is the instantaneous connection it enables between a company and its clients. It’s always a great idea to make a splash on social media whenever there’s an event going on. Not only will this provide a wealth of unique content, but it will also go a long way towards humanizing your business, and sharing the excitement of what’s going on with those who could not be in attendance. There are some key points of advice we have for anybody looking to cover their next event on social media.

Tips for Event Social Media
  • Do your homework. There’s nothing worse than tossing out a timely post and not being able to find a guest’s handle. Make a reference list of any attendees, sponsors, and participants in advance. This will make life much easier at the event.
  • Use an event hashtag. Prominently featuring an event hashtag will make it easy for attendees to filter out posts related to the occasion. If you make it visible around the venue, guests will often start posting using the hashtag. This creates the opportunity for online dialogue and engagement between onsite and offsite attendees.
  • Have a dedicated social media person. Ensure that there is somebody at the event whose one job is to manage the affair’s social media. Have them post photos, respond to inquiries, share posts made by attendees, and set an example for guests to follow.
  • Get everyone to play along. Encourage attendees to participate online and post about the event using the proper hashtags. This will add some variety to the posts associated with the occasion and will get the guests involved. This often leads to likes, new followers, and novel connections. Offer exclusive offers and prizes for online engagement.
  • Install a social media marquee. Have an event screen set up to showcase the most recent tweets and posts made by those in attendance. There are plenty of programs out there that can collect and amalgamate all the posts related to an event. Having them roll across a conspicuously-placed screen can be a great way to get people posting and sharing. People love seeing their content on big screens.
Enjoy the Ride

There you have it! By taking advantage of these tips, you’ll be sure to absolutely rock the next event you cover on social media. Come prepared, keep your head on a swivel, and lead by example – most importantly of all, have fun!

Planning an event can be a lot of work, and running one can be a monumental task. If dealing with social media on the big day is one thing too many, give me a call. I’ll be happy to help your event make a splash online!

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